Home Small pets Cage Accessories Beds and Hammocks Carefresh Color Confetti Carefresh Carefresh Color Confetti 5 4 reviews Color Confetti 10L Carefresh leader in rodent beds in the USA market product. Carefresh is made of virgin fiber, natural, dust-free and non-toxic cellulose. Unlike the recycled paper, not coniene chemicals. The absorbency and odor control Carefresh i ... See full description Quantity 10 L Check availability Notify me Order 2 units, don't run out of it Buy it with... Vitakraft Mineral Stone Rodents 168 g 168 GR 21kr. Trixie Straw rope to gnaw 20 cm 24kr. Jr Farm Flores De Jardin Para Chinchillas 50 GR 26kr. Features Carefresh Color Confetti Reference0066380001327 Quantity10 L BrandCarefresh Small Animal TypeRabbits Description Carefresh Color Confetti Color Confetti 10L Carefresh leader in rodent beds in the USA market product. Carefresh is made of virgin fiber, natural, dust-free and non-toxic cellulose. Unlike the recycled paper, not coniene chemicals. The absorbency and odor control Carefresh is far superior to other products. Natural dyes. Customer Reviews Carefresh Color Confetti 5 Stars | 4 reviews 5 Stars 75% 4 Stars 25% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Produto muito bom Material macio e absorvente Litire pour mon hamster trs jolie propre, mon hamster ador pouvoir se faire des galerie. See all customer reviews
Description Carefresh Color Confetti Color Confetti 10L Carefresh leader in rodent beds in the USA market product. Carefresh is made of virgin fiber, natural, dust-free and non-toxic cellulose. Unlike the recycled paper, not coniene chemicals. The absorbency and odor control Carefresh is far superior to other products. Natural dyes.